Why Gifting Natural Soap Is A Good Idea

As we move into October, Christmas is just around the corner. If you have family members who are difficult to shop for, natural soap is a perfect choice for the men in your life.
Why are men so hard to shop for?
The common theme we hear when talking to others about the hardest person to shop for is that husbands and fathers are the most inscrutable members of the family. What do they really want? Do they ever like what we give them? Because of this, dads always seem to end up getting the same thing for Christmas, like a new tie and a fresh pair of pleated khakis to mow the lawn in. Rather than buying dad another book about a World War, why not give him something he can enjoy daily?
What do dads want?
Dads want what all men secretly want: To live in the woods and survive with hand tools and their brute strength. Every man has a fantasy of moving into a tiny cabin and chopping wood and hunting moose to survive the winter. While this isn’t exactly a feasible lifestyle or retirement plan for most men, Packer’s Pine thinks that every man can at least aspire to smell like they live a manly lifestyle.
The solution is clear: The manly scent of Packer’s Pine pine tar soap, shampoo, and body wash. Packer’s Pine makes products that look, feel, and smell great. The fresh scent of pine will have the men in your life feeling like they’ve just emerged into town after months in the wilderness. Smelling great and looking great will make them feel great and finally look up from their David McCullough book to have a good time.
Are we sure dad wants soap?
Yes. Think of it this way; men are rarely encouraged to perform self-care for themselves. While women can receive a brown sugar scrub, bath bombs, and scented bath salts every year, men almost never get permission to treat themselves and their bodies well. Giving the gift of soap encourages them to shower and actually enjoy it. While 12-in-1 drug store soap is certainly practical, it doesn’t exactly inspire anyone to enjoy taking care of their body. A soap with a strong scent and signature brand, like Packer’s Pine, makes the daily shower feel like a treat.
Emerging from the shower feeling and smelling like a temperate rainforest is a treat that makes a great gift. Additionally, the gentle, soothing power of Packer’s Pine will have dad looking and feeling better than ever.
It sounds expensive…
That’s the best part about giving the gift of soap. It’s a great gift that doesn’t break the bank. This is especially true when you consider how frequently it can be used to deliver a premium, invigorating experience. While something like a steakhouse dinner can only be enjoyed once, a single bar of high-quality soap can last for a month or more. When you consider the additional benefits of wood tar soap, such as comfortable skin relief, dandruff relief, and more, the gift of soap is a no-brainer.
Packer’s Pine is a premium brand that is perfect for men who require gentle, healing soaps for maintaining sensitive skin. While the manly scent is definitely a boost for men who don’t make it into the woods as often as they like, it’s also a good choice for men who spend plenty of time outdoors. Pine tar soap is a natural, DEET-free insect repellent that will keep him protected from ticks, mosquitos, and other bugs while he’s working outdoors or on the trail.
What if they already use pine tar soap?
If the man in your life is already a devotee of pine tar, it’s time to get creative and find ways to support his habit. For example, you could get him a wooden soap dish. Not only does it look nice, but a soap dish allows for drainage to allow a soap bar to drain and dry out between uses. These keep the bar in good shape and prevent one side from staying wet and a little slimy between uses. While there’s no concern of bacterial growth with pine tar soaps, the sensation of a constantly wet bar of soap is occasionally a little jarring. A soap dish prevents it.
Bonus: This soap dish is also made of bamboo, which has a very low environmental footprint. Win, win! Help dad and help Mother Earth at the same time.
If he already has a soap dish in his bathroom, it’s time to upgrade his care routine even more with specialty shampoos, face washes, or products like a shower mitt. Once you get him invested in caring for his body, getting him additional tools to do it is a surefire way to keep him invested. As we all know, dads love tools. Instead of another set of screwdrivers, give him the tools he needs to take care of himself.